Compare prices and time, and book your vehicle from Chipi.
In Chipi, you can see when the next metro or bus will arrive
in real time so you won’t have to wait at the stop.
Chipi shows the vehicles of all carsharing
and motosharing services in Madrid, Barcelona, Lisboa, NY, Paris, Rome...
Chipi allows you to book instantly
Chipi calculates the bike station nearest to you with available bikes
and the bike station closest to your destination with available spaces
Compare prices and time, and book your vehicle from Chipi.
In Chipi, you can see when the next metro or bus will arrive in real time so you won’t have to wait at the stop.
Chipi shows the vehicles of all carsharing Chipi shows the vehicles of all carsharing
Chipi allows you to book instantly
Chipi calculates the bike station nearest to you with available bikes and the bike station closest to your destination with available spaces
Chipi Data
Get unique insights into the mobility industry from 70M+ trips and 14K+ daily bookings.
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We help mobility companies get customers at a guaranteed low cost of acquisition.